nettTracker Financial Year-End

nettTracker has been designed to not only save time during the year, but also at the end of the financial year. The reconciliation of balance sheet accounts in place, and adjustments to the depreciation provided against fixed assets can be made easily.

Closing the financial year will roll forward all of the values currently showing as ‘in-year’ movements to those that display as accumulated (brought forward), balances.

Start Year-End (2 mins)

When the company reaches it’s financial year-end, the asset register should be reviewed carefully. Start the year-end process and ensure all is up-to-date.

Year-End Adjustments (2 mins)

If you need to increase or decrease the amount of depreciation provided against an asset, you can make the adjustment during the year-end process.

Year-End Close (2 mins)

With everything now adjusted and reviewed, you should now roll all values forward to the next financial year.